Robert H. Schuller once said, “A spectacular achievement is always preceded by a spectacular preparation“. It is from this notion that we at The Other Side Foundation School draw our understanding and wanting to ensure that every child that passes through our guidance is acquainted with such preparation in their journey of a career pursuit. As teachers who are not just serving any other child but a vulnerable child who may have never thought of having a bright future that can totally change his or her life. This is something that as Values Based Teachers we should be handling with sufficient care, beyond just earning a salary. Hence as a teacher our mind and heart is always looking for something unique to bring reality to a dream of a child who sometimes is forced to think that nothing good can evolve from their current state of life.
TOSF School holds Careers Day every year with a focus of creating a student centered experience that triggers real life experience of their dream in pursuit. We also acknowledge the fact that Careers Day is there to motivate and inspire students to find their passion, continue their education and develop a direction for their future. We further understand that the event in discussion gives students a close – up look at different career paths and connects their learning to the real world.
In as much as many schools hold Careers Day to see children dressed in different regalia of the career that they admire, we at TOSF School treat this day and the event with the sense of importance because it is a branch that runs along side our school’s vision which states that, “Realizing potential of the underprivileged to be a generative force for good “ .
This term the school held this important event and students were very happy to show case their dream inspired careers while dressed in the regalia of the career represented. It was the first of its kind because well-wishers came on board and sponsored the purchasing of the beautiful attires for some of our children since most of them could not afford buying one, as it was one of the challenges that was noticed in the poor turn out during this event last year. Most of the children confessed that they admired their friends from private schools putting on careers regalia during the event. However, values based teachers (VBTs) were on ground to explain that regalia was not of very much importance to this event but what they wanted to achieve and their determination to pursue is the main significance of this event, dressing up for the event is just to spice up the whole event. Therefore, this year’s Careers day had an outstanding turn out .The day started with a march pass with a number of careers well represented. Shortly after the March pass, teachers took time to explain about each career and what is required to achieve this and later on students had their own presentation in line with the event under celebration.
Poetry, singing and drama were the main activities that were done on that day.
TOSF teachers and management want to thank the community it serves for their massive support towards this event. In future we at TOSF school would love to see well wishers come on board and support this event by taking our students out to places like airports for those who want to be pilots so that they can have a look at all that is involved in that career. Not only that, some want to be lab technicians as result they would want to know what usually happens in laboratories. Teachers here in Zambia have noticed that most students usually showcase the career that they are familiar with, when teachers had explained about different careers including those not showcased, students expressed ignorance about careers like being a pilot because none had an idea what it takes to be a pilot. The more reason we at TOSF would like sponsors to extend their help on such an event. Who knows we may churn out a pilot from this very school built for the underprivileged. You are therefore welcome to visit our school which is situated in an impoverished area of Lusaka, to be more precisely George compound, to meet our able future leaders coming from a very poor background. Together we can make the dream career of a vulnerable child a reality. Join us in our pursuit to offer these marginalized children a better future