The Other Side Foundation is constantly learning, adapting, sharing and executing positive changes to impact the
lives of the orphans and vulnerable children who attend the TOSF school.
TOSF gives a foundation in life to OVCs who live in precarious conditions, through a values based education
(Education in Human Values, endorsed by UNESCO). 1 in every 4 household is headed by a child or a grandparent
with no source of income (* 2016 statistics, see below) resulting in our students having the only meal of the
day at TOSF Feeding program. It also caters to some of these needy families in the community by distributing
monthly food rations through their Caring Hearts club. Teachers and students who are taught to practice
“Ceiling on desires” (a topic on sharing in EHV) together with TOSF combine their resources to donate small
food hampers and daily necessities like soap, sugar, corn meal and washing detergent.
A nurse hired by TOSF attends to the the primary medical needs of the children and staff. This preventive move
has curbed the spread of many communicable diseases like cholera, timely care in cases of malaria and viral
infections, referrals to specialist clinics where necessary and sensitization of Aids and hygiene; all
significantly decreasing absenteeism among staff and students. This health care program keeps them in the peak
of health where otherwise they do not have the means nor access to a clinic or sometimes have to wait the
entire day at a community clinic before they are seen by a medical personnel .
Our lasting impact of over 10 years in the impoverished area of George compound has uplifted lives of both the
aged, single mothers (through our microloan scheme) and OVCs. To date over 6,000 OVCs have at least completed
primary school education in TOSF school and another 2,000 TOSF bursars have either completed secondary school
education or are in the process of completing their education in a government secondary school.
* Zambia has about 1 million orphans; this gives Zambia the highest per capita orphans rate in the world One in
every 4 household is a child headed home. About 65% of Zambians earn less than $1.25 per day