Initially TOSF focused on empowering only OVCs but as of late a Holistic Outreach Program for the impoverished communities it works with, has been realized. In support of the UN Sustainable Goals, we have extended education to single mothers, widows and young school leavers, introducing evening adult education and vocational training. During Covid-19 pandemic our Food Relief interventions assured that over 260 families (about 1600 people) did not starve to death. Periodically TOSF ensures basic needs of these indigent communities are met through its food, shoes, clothes, blankets and mattresses distribution.
The Other Side Foundation continues to make great strides by adhering to the UN MDG (United Nations Millennium Development Goals). TOSF eradicates extreme *poverty and hunger, achieves *universal primary school education, *empowers women and *combats diseases through its feeding program, free school for OVCs, seed funding/microloans for grandmothers and single mums and healthcare. *TOSF is focused on sustaining 4 of the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) that 191 United Nations members committed to help achieve: poverty and hunger(*UN/MDG/Goal 1) primary school education *(UN/MDG/Goal 2) empowering women (*UN/MDG/Goal 3) combating diseases (*UN/MDG/Goal 6)
As a firm testament to the Foundation’s impact on the community, the school has seen a steeply rising enrollment rate over the past few years. In 2013, the school has reached a maximum high of 520 students with a very long waiting list for prospective students. Our staff work ceaselessly not only with the young, but also with the old and feeble who live on the brink of pauperism, making available bedding and winter clothing, food hampers and seed funding/microloans
The school actively encourages the children to participate in a wide range of co-curricular activities, and 2012 has been a year of phenomenal achievements. Despite intense competition, our students excelled in both physical and intellectual pursuits: the school girls’ team emerged victorious in the Inter-Community Schools Netball tournament, the boys brought back the championship trophy for the Inter-Community Schools Football tournament, and TOSF student representatives clinched second runner-up in the Inter-Community Schools Quiz and Spelling Competition
Honouring our firm belief in creating lasting & meaningful partnerships, the school established the Parent School Committee (PSC) to gather feedback and garner support from the community in areas like environmental management and food preparation for the feeding program. By having our ears to the ground, we can better understand the aspirations of the children and the needs of their families, thus allowing us to draft & implement more effective measures to help them meet their goals. It is heartening to note that PSC meetings with teaching staff continue to see very high attendance to this day.
Though the construction of the classrooms was completed, there was inadequate space for the children to play during recreation. As such an adjacent plot of land was acquired which serves as a playground, eating area where a protein rich porridge and bread is served. And includes a TV room and library.
As a sign of commitment to their cause, TOSF purchased land in George compound, Matero one of the largest and poorest compounds in the north western side of Lusaka, Zambia. It intentionally constructed The Other Side Foundation School for OVC in an impecunious peri-urban area to serve the community. It has 7 classrooms, medicine dispensary, staff room, office, toilets, bathroom and kitchen. Unlike most NGOs, TOSF is owner of the property and is 100% Zambian staffed in Lusaka. At this stage TOSF also introduced the Bursary Award Program which has allowed many of their Grade 7 primary school leavers to continue secondary school education in government schools.