We will be worthless citizens unless we make positive contributions to our communities and country at large. This statement can only be actualised through community service. TOSF learners distributing washing paste. TOSF students value community service so much because this has taught them to share their problem- solving skills, empathy, sensitivity and concern for others. TOSF students go out to render help to the aged members of TOSF students sweeping in community.their community through cleaning and giving out small gifts. This brought a bundle of joy to those helped and us teachers for instilling good values in our students. It is said that, ” it takes a village to raise a child.” So the way you raise that child, community will be there to judge. Hence the community is very grateful for the kind gesture from our students.TOSF students also scouts interacting with a member of the community. These has proved  that our students are not solely consumers of free educational service but also contributors to others and they are not self-centered but full of compassion for those in great need. Cleaning homes and surroundings enables the aged to live in a clean space.  This has been successful because our students are aware of the needs of their community. Thumbs up to our young kind values based students.

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