
Our Blogs


Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that permits the mind and the body to be in conjunction with each other. It incorporates meditation, breathing exercises and stretches to allow stress reduction and rejuvenation. The name ‘yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to unite, join or connect the body and soul The […]

The cry of an underprivileged child.

Amidst the vibrant landscapes and rich culture of Africa, the harsh reality of child hunger and unsafe water persist as a complex challenge with multifaceted origins. 26% globally do not have access to clean water while in 821 million people, one in nine goes to bed on an empty stomach and some of the families […]

2024 First Quarter Newsletter

DOC-2024 First quarter newsletter

Social, economic and educational impact of an epidemic like cholera on margainalised families.

Cholera does not know borders. Despite being preventable and easily treatable, some people continue to suffer from the potentially fatal disease. People living in volatile and unstable communities are particularly at risk. Some children have become orphans as their parents have died from the disease, Fifty families were affected by the disease, two grade one […]


The Other Side Foundation is a non-profit organisation, committed to transforming the lives of children through education, nutrition and healthcare. Since 2007, we have helped effect lasting changes in Zambia and India through a wide range of initiatives.


Shape young hearts and minds to learn with passion and lead with compassion
To empower orphans and vulnerable children with employment and life skills through integrated, values-based education in a nurturing environment.


Commitment: We continuously challenge ourselves to provide viable and sustainable solutions for the community.
Integrity: We act consistently with our mission and strive to maintain transparency and accountability in our speech and deed.
Respect: We affirm the dignity and integrity of the communities in which we serve.

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